My favorite thing is my notebook

I've had it for a long time, about five years, it was a gift from my grandmother for Christmas. And since then I have been using it, and it has helped me a lot.

I use it every day for most of the day, as I use it mainly to study and attend online classes, as well as to play some online video games.

I really like my notebook because as I said before I can study and it makes things much easier for me because nowadays we are in a world that lives on the internet and everything can be found on it. And also as I said, I like it because I can play video games and I can have a lot of fun with friends or alone.

I can't imagine a life without my notebook because it really helps me a lot in everything, studies, fun, etc. so it would be very difficult for me to adapt to a life without it. 

Especially on the subject of studies since it would be very difficult to study without the applications or programs that I have on my notebook. 

This is why my notebook is my favorite thing.


  1. i like your post because the computer allows us conected with all the things that happen.


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